OK, we held off on this because, well, you know, a lot of stuff is getting canceled either because of concerns about coronavirus or rain.
But the forecast is good for tomorrow, at least where rain is concerned. And the folks at the Arts and Crafts Fair at the Marketplace are going out of their way to say that not only do they still plan to hold this event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, but they will be taking all preventative measures as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as their own health and hygiene protocols.
For instance, not only will they employ rigorous sanitation standards and robust cleaning procedures, including hand sanitizer stations, but food vendors will adhere to the food safety guidelines under these circumstances and will be asked not to give out free samples.
OK, enough with the safety, what about those arts and/or crafts? There will be lots of them. Jewelry and clothes and plants and pet carriers and pretty things and interesting things and crazy things and things that’ll just make you say, oh man, I’m glad we got out of the house for a few minutes, took in some fresh air, exchanged some knowing glances with our neighbors and bought this succulent thingy. Say, what is this thingy again?
Go have some fun. You deserve it.
The Arts and Crafts Fair takes places from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Marketplace, located at 6475 E Pacific Coast Hwy. For more information, click here.