Long Beach has officially reduced its water use by 16 percent in June compared to June 2013, the Long Beach Water Department announced Tuesday, exceeding the now 14 percent state-mandated cumulative reduction target.

As the Post wrote last week, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) changed the emergency urban water conservation mandate to allow water suppliers to locally determine conservation mandates, effective June 1, 2016 through February 2017. Long Beach was among the 288 water suppliers that either met or were within one percentage point of meeting their conservation standards. Out of the nearly 400 suppliers in the state, Long Beach ranked in the upper half for conservation by exceeding its 9 percent conservation standard by 6.5 percent when Brown changed the mandate.


However, Long Beach officials cautioned that the state remains in a drought and urged individuals to continue their water conservation efforts.

“Weather doesn’t dictate whether or not we conserve in Long Beach,” said Frank Martinez, president of the Board of Water Commissioners in a statement. “Our customers have shown that they get it and are keeping up with their water-wise habits. Conservation is our new normal.”

Long Beach remains in a Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage condition. Stage 1 means that most Stage 2 restrictions remain in place, with the exception of the allowance of one additional watering day per week, bringing the weekly watering days to Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays before 9:00AM or after 4:00PM through September 30, 2016. The two-day watering schedule will go back into effect on October 1.

The following restrictions remain in place, according to the LBWD:

  • Residents and businesses can only irrigate landscape during summer months on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays until September 30, 2016. Two-day (Tuesdays and Saturdays) per week landscape irrigation will begin in the winter on October 1, 2016.
  • Residents and businesses can only irrigate landscape 10 minutes per station per watering day, or 20 minutes if using water-efficient rotating nozzles
  • Residents and businesses can only irrigate landscape before 9am or after 4pm
  • Residents and businesses cannot irrigate the landscape nor any other use of water beyond saturation, causing unreasonable runoff
  • Residents with pools and spas must use a cover to prevent evaporation
  • Residents and businesses cannot hose down hardscape with a hose, unless using a pressurized cleaning device
  • Residents and businesses cannot irrigate landscape during measurable rainfall or anytime within 48 hours afterwards
  • Residents cannot wash a vehicle with a hose unless it has a water shut-off nozzle or device attached to the hose
  • Residents and businesses cannot allow the wasting of water due to breaks, leaks or other malfunctions in the plumbing or distribution system
  • Restaurants cannot serve water to customers without the customer requesting it
  • Hotels and motels must post signs to notify patrons they can choose not to have linens and towels washed daily

For more information on the LBWD’s MissionH20LB campaign, or to play the Conservin’ Mervin game, click here