This week on The Word on Long Beach, school is back in session, and Mike Guardabasico tells us how it went. Later, Tim Grobaty talks about the perspectives of veterans as we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

:08 – Two weeks ago, Thomas Cordova, Mike Guardabasico and I covered the protest of Anti-Maskers and Anti-Vaxers at the Long Beach Unified School District. We talk about how volatile our time was while covering the story versus how back-to-school actually went.

19:03 – The 20th anniversary of 9/11 is next weekend. Typically we focus on where we were individually in the world at that moment. We often overlook those who were there and how they have been impacted by the war in Afghanistan that lasted 20 years. Tim Grobaty previews his feature story available in the Long Beach Post on Sept 11.