Photo by Tony Ashlin via Facebook.
Employees and tourists arriving to the see the Queen Mary-adjacent Scorpion submarine Saturday morning found the Soviet attack vessel-turned-museum slightly listing to the starboard side. Exposed on the port side facing the parking lot was a line of white buildup along the submarine’s metal exterior that had likely not been exposed to air since the B-427 arrived in Long Beach in 1998.
The Scorpion was stable and at equilibrium, however, it was discovered to be listing at a 24 degree angle due to water flooding from a yet-unknown cause. Will Nash of the Long Beach Fire Department says that at about 10:30AM, fire units responded to help with the pump-out operation.
“Fire units continued de-watering operations until the arrival of the responsible parties replacement pumps and commercial divers for temporary repair,” said Nash.
Nash also said that the responsible party has contracted with Oceanside Ship Repair to perform repairs today.