When we found out that Cal State Long Beach was looking for a new nickname/mascot, we could not have been happier. The only thing “49ers” told you about the school is when it was founded (1949).
Now, entering its 70th year, it’s time for a nickname/mascot that reflects what it’s become. And we want YOU to tell us what that is. But please, no lions or tigers or bears, OK? We want a nickname/mascot that reflects the Cal State Long Beach experience: the people, the parking (or lack thereof), the fact that no one will look you in the eye, whatever, we want your names and your images.
To get you started, we’ve asked five terrific illustrators/artists to have a run at it. We’ll release one of their efforts each day this week. Have a look. Be inspired. Send us something. And Go [Nickname To Be Determined]!!!

Jake Kazakos, an illustrator from “Orange Californiangeles”, drew up the Poltergeists because “the school was built over some burial sites back in the day! OoOoOo!” And if you’ve seen the movie “Poltergeist,” written by CSULB grad Steven Spielberg, you know that the family goes through quite a haunting after moving into a home built on a cemetery.
“If you have seen the movie you probably understand why I chose to draw a silly clown choking a kid,” said Kazakos. “For those of you who have not seen the movie, there is a scene where a vengeful spirit enters a clown doll that belonged to one of the kids in the movie. The clown wraps his arm around the kid and pulls him under the bed.”
Kazakos graduated from CSULB two years ago with a BFA in Illustration. Since then he’s been working as a professional illustrator, alongside painting murals with The Draculas. Check out more of Kazakos’ work on Instagram @jakekazakos and his website here.
Now’s your chance to dream up a new mascot. Check out the rules below:
Submission Requirements
- Email your digital original or scanned image of your art to [email protected] (file must be in JPG or PNG format, 1200px across).
- In your email, please include a bio, including your full name, age and what connection, if any, you have to CSULB and a description of your mascot, including its name and how it represents the university.
- Mail or drop off original artwork or print (no larger than 16″x12″) to the Long Beach Post offices at 211 E. Ocean Boulevard, #400, Long Beach, CA 90802 (thanks to Linco Inc., we will be framing submissions to be displayed and judged by a panel during an art show in January; exact date TBD).
- All submissions—digital image, physical artwork, artist bio and mascot description—must be turned in on or before Monday, Dec. 31.
- Any questions? Email [email protected] and/or [email protected].
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The Post’s “CSULB new nickname/mascot contest” is not in partnership with or have any official connection to CSULB. Though we did approach specific artists/illustrators who attend or teach at CSULB about submitting their work and we intend on presenting the best submissions to appropriate parties at CSULB, no one in the CSULB administration has ever been consulted about the creation or conduct of the contest.
Go [Nickname to Be Determined]!!! The Post’s CSULB mascot contest, Day 3