The American Red Cross is asking for help addressing a winter blood donation shortage, the nonprofit announced today.
With more than 150 blood drives cancelled due to severe winter weather, over 5,500 blood and platelet donations went uncollected, in addition to seasonal illnesses and holiday schedules contributing to more than 28,000 fewer donations than what was needed in November and December, according to Red Cross.
“Even temporary disruptions to blood and platelet donations can diminish the availability for hospital patients,” Clifford Numark, senior vice president, Red Cross Blood Services said in a statement. “It’s the blood on the shelves that helps save lives in an emergency, and that’s why we’re asking eligible individuals to make an appointment to give blood or platelets today.”
Red Cross’ first priority is to serve local hospitals, however the organization can move blood products to where they’re the most needed. That means donors throughout the country can contribute to the national blood supply, potentially helping patients locally and in storm-affected areas, according to the release.
While all blood types are needed, Red Cross stated that the following blood and donation types are in critical need:
- Platelets: The clotting portion of blood primarily given to cancer patients during treatment and always in great demand.
- Type O negative: The blood type that can be transfused to almost everyone and is what doctors reach for in trauma situations.
- Type B negative: The blood type that can be transfused to type B Rh-positive and negative patients.
- Type AB: The plasma type that can be transfused to almost everyone and can be donated through a platelet or plasma donation, where available, or during a regular blood donation.
According to Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, including accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, as well as patients receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease. The Red Cross must collect more than 13,000 blood donations daily for patients at about 2,600 hospitals across the country.
Those that are eligible can find a blood or platelet donation opportunity and schedule an appointment via the free Blood Donor App here, by visiting the website here or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS. RapidPass can be used to speed up the donation process.
Upcoming blood donation opportunities in Long Beach:
1/8/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter, 3150 East 29th St
1/8/2018: 9:00AM – 3:00PM, Department of Health & Human Services, 2525 Grand Avenue
1/9/2018: 12:15PM – 7:15PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/10/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/12/2018: 8:15AM – 3:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/13/2018: 7:45AM – 3:00PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/14/2018: 7:45AM – 2:45PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/14/2018: 8:00AM – 2:00PM, St Cornelius Catholic Church, 5500 Warlow Road
1/14/2018: 8:00AM – 2:00PM, St Cyprians Catholic Church, 4714 Clark Avenue
1/15/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/16/2018: 11:00AM – 5:00PM, LBPD Headquarters, 400 West Broadway
1/16/2018: 12:15PM – 7:15PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/17/2018: 11:00AM – 5:00PM, LBPD Headquarters
1/17/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/17/2018: 8:00AM – 2:00PM, Long Beach Fire Department, 3205 Lakewood Boulevard
1/18/2018: 2:00PM – 8:00PM, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3701 Elm Avenue
1/19/2018: 8:15AM – 3:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/20/2018: 7:45AM – 3:00PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/21/2018: 7:45AM – 2:45PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/22/2018: 10:00AM – 4:00PM, Linden Public Coffee House, 149 Linden Avenue
1/22/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/23/2018: 12:15PM – 7:15PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/24/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/26/2018: 8:15AM – 3:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/27/2018: 7:45AM – 3:00PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/28/2018: 7:45AM – 2:45PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/29/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/30/2018: 12:15PM – 7:15PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/31/2018: 12:15PM – 7:30PM, American Red Cross Greater Long Beach Chapter
1/31/2018: 6:30AM – 12:30PM, City of Long Beach Gas and Oil Department, 2400 East Spring Street
1/31/2018: 9:00AM – 3:00PM, Aquarium of the Pacific, 100 Aquarium Way