Residents looking for landscaping inspiration, or the final push they need to take the leap into replacing their water-wasting lawns with drought tolerant California native flora are invited to join Long Beach Water at its free Fourth Annual Lawn-to-Garden Tour this Saturday, May 2 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. The tour will showcase 29 beautifully-landscaped Long Beach homes that have participated in the city’s Lawn-to-Garden program.

The turf removal program gives residents $3.50 per square foot, for up to a thousand square feet, to remove their front lawn and replace their landscape with drought tolerant and California-native plants. To date, Long Beach has converted almost 2 million square feet of residential and commercial turf to drought tolerant landscapes.

The self-guided tour is free and open to the public. Homeowners will be available at each location to talk about their experiences during their garden transformations.

A detailed map with directions to each house is available by registering online.