Dear Editor,

On April 13, 2015, the article Understanding and Navigating Homelessness for the Mentally Ill: Lifeways in Long Beachwritten by Danielle Carson was published in your People Post section.

Throughout the article Carson makes the point that just providing basic needs such as food and blankets cannot eliminate homelessness, it requires the effort and patience of someone who is willing to listen and understand an individuals needs and aliments that keeps them from progressing towards their potential.

To provide this support we need more organizations like the Mental Health America Village (MHA Village) that do not look at individuals as burdens or case numbers, but as unique individuals that need real help to overcome mental illness, physical disability, substance abuse, etc. Creating a large-scale resource that is based off of the same principles MHA Village is founded on of course requires large funds and resources that have been drastically cut back throughout the years.

But if we eliminate the negative connotations towards the homeless and reinvent the way society looks upon the homeless community with a more positive outlook the amount of available resources and investment will grow drastically.

If we provided the right resources and give the opportunity for an individual to progress to their full potential, whether its giving a homeless person a chance to regain control of their mental illness or giving the opportunity to those who are the resources of change such as social workers, psychologist and nurses, it will only progress society towards self-efficient, wholesome community.

Best regards,
Maya Capalbo

People Post is an occasional column featuring readers’ commentary, articles from guest writers, and letters to the editor. To submit an article to People Post, email [email protected].