One of the reptiles we care for the most often is the common green iguana. The most prevalent disease seen in this animal is known as metabolic bone disease. It goes by several other names; the medical term is nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism (NSHP).
NSHP is a very serious disease that causes tremendous pathology and can lead to death. It’s also a preventable disease, so knowledge of iguana husbandry is important. We have taken a creature out of an environment that it has been exquisitely tuned for and brought it into an artificial one. This makes the disease hard to prevent unless you’re serious and diligent.
How bone disease in iguanas is treated. Photos courtesy of LBAH.
Radiograph of a diseased iguana bone.
Symptoms vary, but usually, we examine a pet with poor appetite, dehydration, swollen legs and jaw, and emaciation. Sometimes, the bones are so weak that they spontaneously fracture. We usually take a radiograph to determine the extent of the problem.
This disease is prevented by warmth, humidity, exposure to direct sunlight and good nutrition. When you consider that this animal is from Central America where it’s hot and humid all of the time and an iguana can bask in sunshine almost continuously, it becomes apparent that special attention is needed in our artificial environment to prevent this problem.
This disease is so prevalent and so serious that we have a detailed web page devoted to it.