Moments before marriage and family therapist Kathy Remeika came on Live Chat to talk about the challenges facing people, couples, parents during a global pandemic that has them hunkered at home, she received a message from a couple that, before all of this, had been considering seeking her counsel. They told her that they now needed to meet with her—virtually—immediately.
Anyone who’s been cooped up with another—love them as you may—probably knows very well how they felt. Being quarantined has caused many people to question a lot in their life that they once considered solid: their place in the world, how they’re spending their time here and who they’re spending it with.
We asked Remeika, who’s maintained a private practice in Long Beach for 15 years, to chat and take viewer questions from those trying to find some emotional balance during these extraordinarily unbalanced times.
She not only addressed questions about couples but individuals, parents and just about anyone who piles debilitating expectations on themselves that ultimately can affect everything—negatively—from personal, parental and romantic relationships to our sleep patterns.