Two people who died earlier this month when the boat they were on burst into flames have been identified by authorities.
The Los Angeles County Medical-Examiner’s Office identified the victims as 75-year-old Sharon Gentry and 60-year-old Margaret Gentry. Their city of residence was not immediately available, and it was unclear if they were related.
Sharon and Margaret were among five people aboard a vessel, described as a 35-foot powerboat, at the Alamitos Bay Fuel Dock on Saturday, Aug. 5, according to authorities.
Though it hasn’t been confirmed what caused the blaze, authorities say the boat was either in the process of or had just finished gassing up when it burst into flames around 5:15 p.m.
Firefighters were just across the street at a nearby fire station when it happened, but by the time they arrived moments later, the flames were so intense that the boat had already been engulfed.
Sharon and Margaret died at the scene while three others, whom authorities say where in their 60s, were hospitalized with burn-related injuries.
More than a dozen fire engines, boats and other apparatus responded to the blaze to douse the flames. Crews then towed the vessel to an isolation dock to continue their investigation, Heflin said.