Today feels different than most election days.  Perhaps it is because so many candidates are running to change America, or perhaps because the stakes during this time of war could not be higher.


I am so proud to be an American today.  I am fortunate that my family invested every penny we had to move us from Peru 25 years ago to California.  I am even more grateful to have a government that opened its doors to my family to become United States citizens.


Numerous friends of mine voted for the first time today.  Not because they couldn’t vote before, but because they never felt the need or desire to.  They all voted for Barack Obama.  He moved them to participate in the democratic process.  I am inspired and amazed by this movement.


So first a confession, I voted for Hillary a week ago by absentee.  It was a rush to judgment and I have decided that I will never vote absentee again.  I am loyal to a fault so I stuck with Hillary.  I admire her and believe that we are long overdue for a female President. 


However, if I could re-vote today, I would vote for Obama.  I went as far as to call into the County Clerk to see if I could void my absentee ballot and vote by provisional ballot today.  The answer was no…and guess what?  I wasn’t the only caller with that question.


I like both Obama and Clinton.  I look forward to either of them in the White House.  However, there is a part of me that feels that by not voting for Obama, I am not participating in a movement that is changing the world.


Barack is creating something special and historic.  He could lead us to a new America.  If Hillary wins this thing, she should choose Obama as her running mate.


I’m hoping for a Obama / Clinton ticket.