Residents will have the chance to ask questions about the homeless issue in Belmont Shore at next week’s Beer & Politics event.
A group of Belmont Shore residents sparked controversy this month when they marched down Second Street in the pre-dawn hours to “take back” their neighborhood from a recent uptick in crime.
While organizers said the march was meant to push criminals out of Belmont Shore, others saw it as a form of vigilantism that unfairly targeted homeless people.
The march on Nov. 2 drew dozens of protestors and at one point turned ugly when a resident sprayed water and shouted profanity at protestors.
The Beer & Politics discussion will feature march organizer Barry Vince; Stefan Borst-Censullo, a march protestor and member of the Democratic Socialists of America; and 3rd District Councilwoman Suzie Price, whose district includes Belmont Shore.
The event will take place at 7 p.m. on Nov. 28 at Liberation Brewing Co., 3630 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach. Beer & Politics is a monthly event featuring discussions on city issues.