Two Long Beach businesses made the California Board of Equalization’s quarterly list of largest tax delinquencies, with both owing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the State.
Last week, the BOE updated its online listing of the Top 500 sales and use tax delinquencies, which is essentially a tool the government uses to shame those who owe large amounts of taxes into paying their bills. Included on the list is Karapet Kesablyan, who was doing business as H & Z and owes $849,325.96, as well as Kars & Wheels Plus, Inc., which owes $525,410.93.
The first lien date for Karapet Kesablyan was in 2000 and the listed address of 5281 Long Beach Blvd. appears to be a former gas station, but currently houses an Eddie’s Jr Market Liquor. Kars & Wheels Plus, Inc. received their first lien in 2011 and its address at 3431 Cherry Ave. is currently home to City Loan, a 15-minute car loan lot.
Neither party could be reached for comment.
Current tax delinquencies statewide add up to $514.9 million, according to the Board of Equalization. Since the board began publishing its list of delinquent tax accounts in 2007, 121 taxpayers have begun the process of settling their accounts with the state, paying an aggregate of $10.21 million. Of those taxpayers, 21 have paid their accounts in full and the rest are making installment payments.
The list of delinquent taxpayers is published each quarter, and the board provides a 30 day notice to taxpayers before publication of the list.
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