Cal State Long Beach (CSULB) will be offering up to $200,000 for undocumented students to help with costs of their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) renewals following President Trump’s announcement that he will be ending the program.
“We have been doing everything we can to provide support for those of you affected by this decision,” Vice President of Student Affairs Carmen Taylor said in a statement on Friday. “Staff from throughout the Division of Student Affairs and faculty across campus have been working diligently to create spaces for you to express yourselves and to provide services to assist you during this particularly challenging time.”
The announcement came just days after Chancellor Timothy P. White urged DACA students and employees to renew their applications.
CSU Chancellor Urges DACA Students, Employees to Renew Status to Delay Possible Deportations
DACA recipients whose status expires on or before March 5, 2018 must complete their renewals by October 5, 2017. They can receive assistance at CSULB’s Dream Success Center. Staff from the Division of Student Affairs and the Dream Success Center will be available to help with the renewal process and concerns students may have.
Funds will be provided through the Student Emergency Intervention & Wellness Program to help cover the $495 DACA renewal fee.
For more information, you can contact the Dream Success Center by calling (562) 985-5869 or by e-mail at [email protected]
The Dream Success Center is located at CSULB on the third floor of the University Student Union USU-309.