Long Beach residents may want to think twice about how we use plastic after the return of Captain Charles Moore’s six week research expedition, conducted to find out just how badly plastic, and other pollutant debris, is affecting our oceans. Tomorrow, residents will be given the opportunity to hear about Moore’s crew’s research, and learn why these oceanic missions are so important.
Algalita, a Marine Research and Education organization, is encouraging Long Beach residents to welcome home Captain Charles Moore and his research crew, who will be returning to their home port of Long Beach. Capt. Moore and his crew have spent the past six weeks studying the impacts of plastic pollution on the world’s oceans, according to the press release, and will be arriving between 3:00PM and 4:00PM to the Alamitos Bay Landing (110 N. Marina Drive, Long Beach, CA). An exact time may be announced in the meantime.
The crew will be arriving with a load of fish headed for lab testing and several samples of trash and plastic collected during the excursion. Algalita, founded by Capt. Moore, is encouraging anyone and everyone to attend their arrival this Friday to welcome the crew and learn about the importance of continuing this ocean research. According to the release, those with private boats are also encouraged to greet Moore’s boat, the 50 foot catamaran Alguita, and escort him into the bay.
According to the release, this latest research endeavor involved Moore and his crew retracing the path of Algalita’s initial research voyage to measure and compare plastic pollution levels. Along the way they discovered a new island of debris and evidence that plastic pollution is spreading further than previously thought. During the trip, Moore organized a live satellite broadcast with a panel of experts at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium to report his findings to a large audience and to continue the conversation of what can be done to prevent plastic from entering the oceans.
Photos and video from the voyage can be viewed on the Algalita organization’s website, along with the voyage blog. According to the release, fish samples and other collected material will be turned over for further laboratory study to determine just how detrimental the toxic contamination is in the food chain, to calculate plastic degradation and more.
Above, left: Captain Charles Moore, from algalita.org.