The City of Long Beach has been given a $4.9 million grant to construct three Low Flow Diversion (LFD) Systems and two Vortex Seperation (VS) Systems in order to reduce the amount of bacterial pollution and contaminated storm water from reaching the coast.
LFD and VS systems will be installed at three points along Ocean Boulevard: 9th Place south of Ocean Blvd (one LFD and one VS), Redondo Avenue north of Ocean Blvd (one LFD and one VS), and Shoreline Avenue at Golden Ave (one LFD).
The grant was awarded by the State Water Resources Control Board Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Program, which has been providing funding for projects that restore and protect the water quality and the environment of coastal waters, estuaries, bays, and shore waters since it started under the Budget Act of 2001.
“We’ve made great strides to improve recreational water quality in recent years, and this funding will help us to continue the progress we’ve made,” said Mayor Bob Foster. Ten of the 13 beaches sampled received “A” or “B” grades in the Heal the Bay 2013 Annual Beach Report Card.
The LFD systems direct dry-weather urban runoff away from storm drain systems and waterways, and lead the runoff into the sanitary sewer system where the runoff is treated and filterd before being released into the ocean. The VS systems, on the other hand, works similar to a washing machine, filtering contaminated storm water as it enters a cylindrical chamber, then spins through a cylindrical perforated screen, which traps trash, sediment, and green waste in a litter sump. Once filtered, the clean water continues to the ocean.
The City’s proposal was reviewed and recommended for funding by the Clean Beaches Task Force, which consists of 25 volunteers with diverse backgrounds in environmental advocacy, academia, scientific research, engineering, municipal government, state government, and federal government.