The Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD)’s array of high schools have never been unrecognized for their efforts. Continually, they place at the top of Best Of lists—and this year proves no exception as seven Long Beach high schools have made The Daily Beast’s Top High Schools across the nation.

Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 4.17.32 PMOf 1,200 high schools ranked, over 700 made the final cut with California Academy of Mathematics and Science ranking as the best within LBUSD and sitting at #338 on the list. It boasted of a 97.5% graduation rate, with 87% college bound and 35.5% of its student population on free or reduced lunches.

The Daily Beast reached out to the nation’s best high schools to find out which were turning out the top students,” said Daily Beast contributor Brandy Zadrozny. “To come up with our initial pool, we consulted 2012/2013 data from the Department of Education and contacted public schools with above-average graduation rates of at least 85%… We based our methodology on available statistics from the Department of Education and school surveys, data that is arguably as much an indicator of student quality as of a school’s. These are schools that serve their students well, but are also undoubtedly well-served by their students’ socioeconomic status, parental involvement, and prior school experiences.”

Other LBUSD high schools ranked included: Lakewood, 472; Renaissance, 561; Wilson, 617; Millikan, 653; Poly, 675; and Avalon, 740.

The number one high school in the nation? The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Intimidating is putting it lightly: the school has a 100% graduation and college-bound rate, with its average ACT score being 31.7 (with 36 being perfect). 100% of its students are enrolled in AP or IB courses, with 98.5% of them passing the advanced exams provided in those classes.