Back Row from left: Ron Sylvester (President and Chairman, The Center), Porter Gilberg (Administrative Director, The Center), Julie Korinke (Communications Manager, DLBA), Gina Dartt (Marketing Manager, DLBA), Kyle Bullock (Youth Program Manager, The Center). Front Row: MYTE Youth Participants. Photo courtesy of The Center.
The Downtown Long Beach Association (DLBA)’s annual Pink Park–which ushers in the Long Beach Pride celebration every May–as well as a volunteer partnership with Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride, Inc., turned out to be a huge philanthropic success.
The DLBA presented The Center Long Beach with a check for $6,915 directly from the proceeds of the popular downtown event, exclusively benefitting the Mentoring Youth Through Empowerment (MYTE) program.
From left: Porter Gilberg (Administrative Director, The Center), Bonnie Zimmerman (Secretary, Long Beach Pride), and Natalie Altman (Operations Manager, The Center).
Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride, Inc. presented The Center with $1,687.50 through a working grant that will be used to support direct services provided by The Center. The money is a result of the 75 volunteers that The Center provided to the Pride celebration this year.
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