
A McDonald’s in Long Beach was cited this week for violating water usage policies, according to a statement from the Long Beach Water Department (Long Beach Water).

The restaurant, located at 2290 Bellflower Blvd., was charged $800 and was the first to receive a citation. It continuously violated four different landscape irrigation water restrictions, according to Long Beach Water.

Long Beach Water used the smart meter technology to identify the water violations. With the smart meters, a Long Beach Water employee must document the violation before issuing a warning to the owner of the water account. If a violation gets documented a second time, the account owner will be served with a $200 charge for each water violation under the Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage.

“Using smart meter technology, we are able to identify water violations in a quick, easy and cost-effective manner,” said Kevin Wattier, General Manager of the Long Beach Water Department. “This enforcement policy will help us identify and take action on those Long Beach residents and businesses who are wasting a lot of water and have not responded to notifications and changed their behavior during this unprecedented drought.”