

Photo by Allan Crawford.

Already noted by The Alliance for Biking & Walking for having the third most miles of biking facilities in the nation, Long Beach just added a few more miles through its extended sharrows along Bay Shore Avenue.

While sharrows already existed along Bay Shore south of 2nd Street, this new extension ultimately helps bicyclists coming from the Beach Bike Path and Alamitos Bay to get to Appian Way and Marine Stadium.

“In Long Beach, there is close cooperation between the city’s bike staff, which is located in the traffic engineering section of Public Works, and the group responsible for routine street maintenance,” said former Mobility Coordinator and BIKEable Communities Director Allan Crawford. “As a result of this relationship when the streets are resurfaced bike facilities are simply included as part of the plan. The result is that miles of new bike facilities are added to city streets at minimal cost.”

With the re-paving of Bay Shore, the addition of biking elements comes not only easier but cheaply.

“This is one of the lowest cost ways of upgrading bike facilities,” Crawford said. “The surface is clean, it needs to be stripped, all that is needed is a little paint.”