Dolores and Arminio Mancini renewed their vows and celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary at the Marriott Hotel in Long Beach on Saturday, February 22, 2020. Photo by Bill Alkofer.
When 15-year-olds Arminio and Dolores spotted each other at a Warren, Ohio roller rink in 1943 it was love at first sight. Dolores thought he was extremely handsome and he had a great tan from hitchhiking in Texas. Arminio was enraptured by this skating beauty.
“And I’ll tell you something,” Arminio admitted, “she was stacked.”
Delores and Arminio Mancini pose as newlyweds. Arminio served in the Army in 1945, after World War II had ended. They celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary at the Marriott Hotel in Long Beach on Saturday, February 22, 2020. Photo by Bill Alkofer.
Last night, they celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary and renewed their vows in front of more than 60 guests at the Marriott Hotel in Long Beach.
No one calls them Dolores and Arminio any more. She goes by Dee. Arminio goes by Tuff. He said he got the name in part because he was always fighting other guys for Dee’s attention.
“A lot of fellas were flirting with her, because, like I told you, she was stacked,” he said.
Dee and Tuff Mancini raise a toast after they renewed their vows. Photo by Bill Alkofer.
They’re both 92 now and still active. Dee plays tennis and Tuff golfs every Wednesday without fail.
The Lakewood couple got a proclamation from Mayor Todd Rogers during their celebration. They’ve been married a decade longer than Lakewood’s been a city.
Last night, dozens of Mancini family members hoisted champagne glasses to toast Dee and Tuff after they renewed their vows.
The couple’s actual wedding date is on Feb. 26. Any special plans for the day? Dee pondered for a bit and then said, “Well, that’s a Wednesday, so he’ll probably golfing.”
Grandson Rocco Mancini and his son, Lennon get the attention of Tuff Mancini during his 75th wedding anniversary celebration. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Tuff Mancini gives a tweak on the cheek to his 4-year-old great-grandson Grey Mancini. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee Mancini talks with a relative during the celebration. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee and Tuff Mancini’s great-grandson points at a photo from 1945. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Laynie Mancini tells a secret to her great-grandfather. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Tuff and Dee Mancini celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary at the Marriott Hotel in Long Beach on Saturday, February 22, 2020. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Grey Mancini gets a hug from his great-grandpa. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Tuff Mancini wipes away a tear during a celebration of his 75th wedding anniversary to his wife Dee. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Lakewood Mayor Todd Rogers and great-granddaughter Laynie Mancini look at some pins given to Dee and Tuff Mancini during a celebration of their 75th wedding anniversary. Photo by Bill Alkofer.A decades-old photo of Dee. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Tuff as a younger man. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee and Tuff Mancini during their dating days. They first started dating at 15. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee Mancini holds son, Jim, in 1950. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee and Tuff Mancini had two sons Jim and Hank. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee and Tuff Mancini’s family celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee and Tuff Mancini hold hands as they renew their vows. Photo by Bill Alkofer.Dee and Tuff Mancini share a kiss as they renew their vows. Photo by Bill Alkofer.