:15 – “What time is it? What day is it?” These are the question Duke Givens, the founder and CEO of Care Closet LBC Inc., says those who are unhoused ask all the time. This may be the season for giving for most of us, but for the unhoused, today is just another day they have to survive.

Givens says there are easy ways to get in the habit of giving year-round. Because Givens and his unhoused team work diligently to keep the community clean, a necessity for Care Closet is strong and durable trash bags. An easy way to help the unhoused is with gift cards. Purchasing a gift card from a business like the 99 Cent store can provide food and other necessities.

You can drop off your gently used clothing items every Tuesday at the Care Closet Office located at 333 W. Broadway, Suite 312. A convenient way is to set up reoccurring donations. You can do that here.

13:28 – Do you ever get anxious when it comes to big family gatherings? It is common, and conversations that address politics, religion and now vaccination status can cause conflicts. Elaine Swann, who is a nationally recognized lifestyle and etiquette expert and founder/CEO of The Swann School of Protocol, says the key to avoiding conflict is to have a plan. Find ways to divert conversations, and always be objective.

You can learn more about Elaine Swann and The Swann School of Protocol here.
