This is it, the last day of 2024 — and the last day to double your impact with a one-time or recurring gift that will help strengthen independent journalism in Long Beach.
We are so grateful to those who gave this year. On Monday alone, readers like you contributed close $4,000, which is incredible! We are so close to meeting our community match: By midnight tonight, we need to raise roughly $2,000 to unlock $12,500 in matching funds from local philanthropists who believe in the power of this work.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us add one reporting position in early 2025 to focus on business and education coverage. Long Beach is not only home to a large school district and two colleges, but it is also the headquarters of the Cal State University system, the largest public college system in the United States. We aim to hold leaders accountable, and also share the incredible stories that give us hope and bind us together as a city. We need that more than ever.
If you haven’t already, please consider making a gift by midnight tonight. Any amount helps.
On behalf of our entire newsroom: Happy New Year! Here’s to a year of joy, fellowship, courage and strength.
Melissa Evans, CEO