Two Long Beach skippers and their crews will battle it out Saturday in a one-day playoff of sorts to determine who will represent the Long Beach Yacht Club in the upcoming Congressional Cup.

Scott Dickson, a 13-time Congressional Cup skipper, and Dustin Durant, who was named the United States Sailing Center’s most outstanding skipper for two years, will race in identically prepared boats.

“The two boats will be sailing a course from the pier toward the Queen Mary, trying to steal each other’s wind and perhaps even getting so close they will brush each other from time to time,” said event spokesperson Kevin Wilkerson. “These are identically-prepared boats so skipper skill and crew execution will determine the winner.”

The free event, which is open to the public, will begin at about 2:00PM and end around 4:00PM. Times are approximate and dependent on wind conditions.

Wilkerson recommends public viewing off the Belmont Pier, where attendees can also view sailboats in the U.S. Sailing Center Regatta.