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Photo courtesy of Jenny Limane.
Costco is one of the smartest retailers in the country—and one of the main reasons is that it doesn’t offer a plethora of options. You don’t get a million toothbrushes to choose from; you get one.
And when it comes to its food, it’s relatively the same: simple options that haven’t changed much in years, all made with food that you can buy, of course, inside Costco. But even more savvy with its food court is the fact that you don’t need a membership and yes, to this day, you can score a hot dog and coke for $1.50.
Well, there’s a menu change that they’re testing—and Lakewood’s Costco is one of its testing grounds for a new item: a 1/3 lb. cheeseburger that mimics the famed Shake Shack-style burger.
Yup: organic beef, romaine lettuce, Thousand Island dressing, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese, all smushed between sweet’n’light challah buns. (Not to be confused with Costco’s last venture into burgers, where it tested it on a ciabatta roll in Livermore.)
When will they fully roll out the burger? Lakewood Costco reports that it should reach additional locations by March of next year.