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Photos by Brian Addison
Yup, Long Beach is definitely vying to be the Vegan Capitol of the region: Under The Sun, the vegan food venture launched by Rainbow Juices owners Chrissy Cox and Dawna Bass, has officially opened its doors for a soft opening.
Located just to the west of Rainbow Juices at 244 E 3rd Street, the vegan joint is dedicated to all things raw and under 118 degrees. The result? A menu unlike any other.
From housemade yogurts made from coconut cultures to cucumber rolls with fermented veggies, Under The Sun hopes to not only cater to existing vegans but garner a new following—and given their wonderfully designed space (which echoes Berlin Bistro thanks to the work of Jan Van Dijs) paired with local wonders like Recreational’s Iced Coffee , they are sure to have a set crowd that will not solely be the vegan scene-sters.
Our suggestions? The Reishi Cappuccino [pictured above] is nothing short of spectacular: steamed almond milk is blended with Duanwood reishi, coconut oil, cacao, chicory root, vanilla bean, and some other wonders to create a genuinely wonderful concoction.
“This wall,” Cox said, pointing to the space’s large, shelved wall on the west, “we want to fill it up with local stuff for locals. Anything and everything as long as its locally made with some form of nod to being a conscientious, careful being.”
Go, go, go.
In more redundant news: we are getting even more Thai as Blue Heaven—taking up the former Hamburger Mary’s space at Alamitos and Broadway—finishes its final touches on renovating the space.
They sit just three blocks east from Thai District and Naree Thai and three blocks west of Thai Silk and five blocks west of Star of Siam.
Le. Siiiigh. Note: one my faithful readers noted that Blue Heaven is from the owners of Panvimarn Thai up on Carson—and that is of worthy note considering it is some of the best Thai in town.