

File photo. 

Long Beach Animal Care Services (LBACS) has created and launched a new Twitter Hashtag to help owners find their lost pets faster, the City of Long Beach announced today.

Seen as #LBLostFoundPets, the hashtag is slated to be updated every 30 minutes, when animals arrive in the shelter and are picked up by officers in the field.

“This tool is a great use of technology, not just for people, but also for their pets,” said Mayor Robert Garcia in a statement. “We’re proud that Long Beach Animal Care Services is using this innovative way to help our community.”

Long Beach residents are urged to contact ACS at 562.570.7387 (PETS) and post pictures of any lost pets using the #LBLostFoundPets hashtag. The ACS website will also feature the social media feeds that use the hashtag on its website’s Lost And Found page. 

The City also mentioned tips to help owners reunite with lost pets beyond the Twitter feed, including:

  • Visiting kennels in person to ask staff about access to all areas, including the isolation area where sick or injured animals are housed.
  • Using the Long Beach Animal Care Services Mobile App’s Lost and Found feed.
  • Looking at the list of animals currently in the Long Beach shelter, on the website
  • Flipping through the Lost and Found binder in the lobby, which shows animals who have been picked up, as well as their disposition.
  • Microchipping and licensing one’s pet.

LBACS will be closed for Independence day on Saturday, July 4, though officers will be responding 24 hours a day to emergency calls and will contact the owners of pets with microchips or identification tags. Unidentified pets are held for six days before being evaluated for adoption, according to the City’s release.