If you have a dog and you live near or in the north Pine Avenue area of Long Beach, you’ve probably been to or at least passed by the K-9 Corner Dog Park. This afternoon, a handful of city officials will be showing up there to clap, smile, shake hands, and say a few things (maybe) about recent improvements made to said dog park, which include landscaping, lighting, seating and other amenities, some of which we know, are actually for the dogs. But let’s face it, most improvements are for the humans.

Another great thing (to think about): What would a dog park look like if it were designed by dogs? Pee stations, low-hanging steak, some sort of water element, a crunchy leaf pile generator, some dirty laundry, cats and squirrels to chase…
Giving us a moment’s paws: We had to use the pun, it’s just mandatory for pet-related Today, you shoulds. Sorry, not sorry.
The Grand Re-Opening of K-9 Corner Dog Park, 906 Pacific Ave., is from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. For more info, click here.