We don’t know what your relationship is with Elvis Presley. Whether you think he is due the title King of Rock and Roll because you believe he created the genre or because he was the person who made it economically viable—in this country, that’s pretty much the same thing—the fact is, the dude matters.
Which is why, on this, the occasion of what would have been his 85th birthday, Presley will be celebrated by a jam session at Cowboy Country Saloon hosted by the California Country Show, a twice-weekly show on local public radio, KLBP.
The jam begins at 8 p.m. and is open to all. Bring your instruments and voices and jam with the Just Dave Band as well as special guests, including Neil Morrow, Kevin Banford, Ry Bradley, Larry Bagbymore, among others.
Another great thing: There’s a $5 cover, but KLBP members get in free.
Giving us a moment’s pause: Wait, David Bowie was born on this date, also? Here’s a birthday gift for you. Our favorite moment is about halfway though: “Yes, Linda, I like that.” Happy Birthday, David!
Cowboy Country Saloon is located at 3321 E. South St. For more information, click here.