Musician Todd Forman was on tour with Sublime with Rome when he got the idea to write and perform what he called “killer music” for kids and families, i.e. serious music that doesn’t take itself too seriously. That idea became Jelly of the Month Club, a serious band for kids that has turned out a few albums and a bunch of live performances.
The band will be performing today, at 3 p.m., with the Long Beach Youth Chorus, at Grace First Presbyterian Church (3955 N Studebaker Rd). Those attending the free concert will get to see some of the best young voices in the city paired with a band of world class players that is, sometimes, joined by very special, very recognizable guests. For instance, in the video above that is Angelo from Fishbone. Walking stick gave him away, right?
Another great thing: Regarding serious music about a subject we’re often introduced to as kids, Long Beach Opera opens its 2020 season with “King Arthur” today at 2:30 p.m., in the Beverly O’Neill Theatre. LBO’s reimagination of the mythic king has him returning as a superhero who fights a mysterious, supernatural force that is attacking Earth and threatening life as we know it which, sadly, doesn’t sound at all far-fetched. The performance is a collaboration with Music Angelica, the region’s premiere Baroque orchestra.
Giving us a moment’s pause: Writing that last section made us kinda sad, and scared.
Jelly of the Month Club plays at 3 p.m. at Grace First Presbyterian Church, located at 3955 N Studebaker Rd. The show is free. For more information, click here.
Long Beach Opera’s “King Arthur” is at 2:30 p.m. at the Beverly O’Neill Theatre, located at 300 E Ocean Blvd. For more information or tickets, click here.