10:05am | City teams are monitoring storm drains today as rain returned to Long Beach in the night and is being closely monitored for possible flooding. So far, all storm drains appear to be working well and there are no major reports of street flooding, but other areas of Los Angeles have been placed on Flood Watch so precautions should be taken in case rain continues to pour.

For now, street sweeping scheduled for today has been canceled and officials are advising residents to stay away from the beaches today, as significant rainfall stirs up bacteria and pollutants in the Los Angeles River that can make the ocean hazardous.

Traffic along both sides of the 710 Freeway is slow and some busy intersections may crawl due to water in the streets. The City of Long Beach provides great information about how to prepare for power outages, flood cleanup and mold protection on its Health Department web site.

The rain is expected to continue into tonight but not Thursday, though we may experience very high winds over the next few days.