Authorities evacuated the campus library at Cal State Long Beach and other nearby buildings after someone called in a bomb threat, according to university police.

Shortly after 1:35 p.m. today, a university employee notified police that a caller had told them, “There’s a bomb in the library,” said CSULB police Lt. Carol Almaguer. 

The caller had dialed one of the university’s general numbers, the threat was “vague,” and no person or group was specifically targeted, Almaguer said.

Officers helped five people evacuate from the library, Almaguer said.

Shortly after 2:45 p.m., the university sent an alert through its campus notification system advising anyone inside the library or the adjoining Academic Services building to evacuate.

Three police dogs were requested to the scene to check the library for any threats, a process that takes at least an hour-and-a-half, Almaguer said.

At about 6 p.m., campus officials announced the library had been cleared and there was no danger. The said it would reopen Thursday morning.

The university is in winter session through Jan. 17, with a majority of students set to return to campus for classes on Jan. 21.

Editor’s note: This story was updated with more information from campus police.