
In an effort to further educate the public on oceanic affairs, the Aquarium of the Pacific will partner with NoteStream to bring their informational content to your mobile devices.

The aquarium will feature existing content on the app from the aquarium’s website, including a compilation of articles, ocean news, species profiles, and tips on conservation and sustainability.

“At the Aquarium, we strongly believe in using new technologies to reach new audiences,” Claire Atkinson, Senior Manager of Communications at the Aquarium of the Pacific said in an email. “…Through this app people who live around the world can learn about the Pacific Ocean and its inhabitants.”

By providing NoteStream readers with more information, the aquarium hopes to inspire readers to become ocean stewards. Readers can scan through articles on environmental and wildlife issues and educate themselves on the Seafood for the Future program.

The aquarium will use NoteStream’s long-form article technology to give readers and those who cannot visit the aquarium themselves more content, Atkinson said. NoteStream is a mobile learning app designed to help organizations engage modern mobile audiences.

“We are proud as a platform for this organization to deliver compelling, authentic and important information about the oceans and its inhabitants to a growing mobile audience,” Michelle Forsythe, founder and CEO of NoteStream said in a press release.

The aquarium is among the first to use NoteStream’s platform to bring greater awareness to their scientific research and educational information.

Featured articles are now up on the NoteStream app.