Results for the Nov. 3 election have been known for some time, but now that Los Angeles County certified its results this week, we can see final numbers on how Long Beach neighborhoods voted this year and how the turnout compares to past elections
Here’s a few maps illustrating how the city breaks down by precinct:
Data in the map above shows that Long Beach voted mostly for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the presidential race. Biden and Harris earned a higher percentage of votes in Downtown, Central and West Long Beach, while East Long Beach voters leaned more toward a Donald Trump and Mike Pence re-election.
But who turned out to vote? In the maps below, the first displays voter turnout for 2020 and the second for the last presidential election in 2016.
Communities in East Long Beach recorded higher numbers of turnout compared to other parts of the city. However, there was an increase in voters this year in Central Long Beach, an area of town with more socioeconomic needs, according to a 2019 community needs assessment.
Even though Long Beach overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden, locals were more split geographically on another major race: LA County District Attorney.
After this summer’s protests denouncing police brutality against communities of color, the race between incumbent District Attorney Jackie Lacy and reformer George Gascón took on a new tone—with many activists gaining new attention as they rallied against Lacey, whom they accused of not prosecuting police officers aggressively enough.
So, did local protests have an impact? Here’s how areas of Long Beach vote in the DA’s race, which ultimately went to Gascón: