After many, many trees gave their lives for unwanted campaign mailers, election season will finally come to an end tomorrow. That means this is your last chance to study up on the candidates and local ballot measures. Luckily we can help you do that quickly.

The easiest way is our Compare You Candidates tool which lets you see how the aspiring mayor, city council and school board members stack up.

Want to see how the candidates perform under pressure? We have debates:

For a deep-dive in the mayor’s race, you can read or listen to our deeply reported looks at candidates Rex Richardson and Suzie Price:

Lost on our local ballot measures? City Hall reporter Jason Ruiz can explain each of them to you in under a minute.

Other important races we’re following:

Now that you’ve studied up, go vote! You can drop off your mail-in ballot at any LA County vote center or drop-box.

Keep checking back at for live results and analysis after the polls close.

Jeremiah Dobruck is executive editor of the Long Beach Post. Reach him at [email protected] or @jeremiahdobruck on Twitter.