Supporting our work


All donations go directly to our journalism. We offer a range of giving levels that include touring our newsroom and sponsoring memberships for those who can’t afford the cost.

Please note: our 501(c)(3) status is pending, but all donations will be retroactively tax-deductible once this status is approved. Learn more.

Become a member

We have a membership program designed to fit most budgets:

  • Basic Access is $8 per month for an annual membership or $10 for a monthly membership;
  • All Access is $12 per month for an annual membership and $15 for a monthly membership;
  • Premium Access is $20 per month for an annual membership and $25 for a monthly membership.

If you have a financial hardship and can’t afford the cost, please contact us [email protected].

Become a business member

We offer a number of packages to businesses, organizations, foundations and more that include advertising, sponsored content and recognition on our nonprofit website,

For information, please contact Atira Rodriguez at [email protected].


The Long Beach Post has the largest news staff, with the largest reach, of any media outlet in the city. We have an average 1.6 million page views to our website per month, 250,000 engaged followers across our social platforms, and close to 40,000 readers who subscribe to our newsletters. If you have a business, nonprofit or any product or service to advertise, please contact us at [email protected].

For more information about advertising options, visit

Other sponsorship opportunities

We invite partnerships with local businesses interested in sponsoring our community-driven projects, events and initiatives. To learn more about current sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].