Fireworks are illegal in Long Beach, but there are other ways to mark Independence Day — including blocking off your street for community gatherings

The city is trying to make it easier — and less expensive — to host these gatherings, on the Fourth of July and throughout the year.

Long Beach will waive the $100 fee for a neighborhood block party permit application, as well as the cost to rent street barricades, which is anywhere from $200 to $500.

You must act quickly, however, if your plans include July 4: The application must be submitted 10 days in advance of your event. Fill out the application here.

The permit includes closure of public right of way and does not allow for activities on private property. Bands, DJ’s, Jumpers, slides, and moon bounces are not allowed on the street or sidewalk.

The permits allow for activities between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on the day of the event (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on holidays and weekends), including set up and tear down.

The city set aside $100,000 in its budget last year to support summer block parties and various neighborhood “activations.”

Earlier this year the city also announced a microgrant program for established neighborhood associations to host events and improvement projects that improve neighborhood spirit and collaboration. The application period for grants of up to $5,000 opened in March.

The application can be found here.

For information about applications, call the Special Events and Filming office at 562-570-5333. For information about the events themselves, including what type of activities qualify, call the Housing and Neighborhood Services Bureau at 562-570-6866.