Today the Long Beach Post is proud to announce the launch of a membership program to help sustain local journalism and thank our supporters who make sure our reporting is never behind a paywall.

This membership program fulfills two grounding principles in our mission:

  • Journalism must be sustained by the community it serves, and
  • News should be free and accessible to all

That means when you visit our membership page you’ll notice offerings that go above and beyond our journalism and thank members for their recurring support.

Whether you’re a Long Beach Lover, a Long Beach Local, or a Long Beach Legend, supporters will always get access to member-only newsletters and exclusive previews about upcoming special projects.

We will continue to accept one-time donations of any amount here. And if you are not in a position to donate, that’s okay, every time you read and share our stories know that you are helping in our mission to keep local quality journalism sustainable.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with our membership coordinator, Sebastian Echeverry, today at [email protected].

Thank you for your support,

Long Beach Post team

Stephanie Rivera is the community engagement editor. Reach her at [email protected] or on Twitter at @StephRivera88.