405Woodruff 1

Google Maps screenshot of northbound 405 at Woodruff Avenue. 

A multiple-vehicle collision resulted in the closure of three lanes on the northbound 405 near Woodruff Avenue in Long Beach today, according to the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

The CHP reported a call regarding five vehicles blocking lanes at 9:30AM. When they arrived at the scene, they closed the carpool, one and two lanes and issued a sig alert at 10:00AM.

Paramedics were at the scene, according to a CHP officer. He said it was not clear if all vehicles blocking the lanes were involved in the incident, or if some were witnesses.

The CHP media log reported at least one head injury as a result of the crash, and pronounced their work complete around 10:59AM.

Lanes are now open, according to the CHP.

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