Long Beach is continuing its mass COVID-19 vaccination efforts this week with clinics for healthcare workers and emergency essential workers. The city on Saturday will begin the second phase of its rollout with people over 75 and will move to educators, grocery workers and emergency workers in the next few weeks.

As of last week, an estimated 75% of the city’s essential healthcare workers had been vaccinated, officials said. Long Beach is also moving forward in its vaccinations for nursing home residents and staff.

Vaccines for the general public likely won’t be available until the late spring or summer.

Here are some answers to common questions:

I am a resident of Long Beach but I work in a school district, medical office or other essential area outside of the city. Can I apply to be vaccinated in Long Beach?

Yes. Long Beach for now is giving priority to its local workforce and is encouraging eligible residents to first reach out to their employer for vaccine information. Those who are unable to get a vaccine through their employer will be able to get a vaccine through the city. Essential healthcare workers who live in Long Beach and have not received the vaccine from their employer by Jan. 19 should call 562-570-4636, option 6, and leave a message or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment through the city.

When will the city begin offering vaccination clinics?

Vaccination clinics started this week for essential healthcare workers and emergency essential workers. They are by appointment only, and will be located throughout the city to meet the needs of those who work here.

Who has been vaccinated so far and how has the initial rollout been?

So far, the city has vaccinated healthcare workers on site. Firefighters and frontline health department employees also been vaccinated. So far, most people in the city who eligible are getting the vaccine when it’s their turn, city officials said.

Phase 1B includes educators, public safety workers, grocery store workers and people over 75. When will the city start Phase 1B, and how can people find out of they are eligible and sign up? How long will Phase 1B take?

Phase 1B Tier One begins Saturday with people over 75. Details about how to sign up are coming soon. Prior to making an appointment through the city vaccine clinics, people should first contact their healthcare provider for vaccine availability. Large medical providers have direct access to the vaccine. Individuals with additional questions may call 562-570-4636, option 6, or email [email protected]. Vaccines for educators and other groups in 1B are expected in the coming weeks. The Long Beach Unified School District is starting its vaccination effort on Jan. 25.

Do all sectors of education count, including community colleges and small private or charter schools?

Yes, education sectors from early childhood through university all are covered in this phase.

Phase 1C includes high-risk populations of adults over age 65 and adults with high-risk medical conditions. When will the city start Phase 1C?

Officials said it’s difficult to forecast too far into the future since its ability to move through the phases depends, in part, on how much vaccine it receives from other government agencies. Officials, however, said they hope to begin Phase 1C in early spring.

If I am eligible to get the vaccine can I let a family member or someone else take my place?
