Some Long Beach Unified School District classes were delayed Tuesday morning due to a brief wireless internet outage at the district’s campuses.

LBUSD spokesperson Chris Eftychiou said that a power outage over the weekend caused the issue, which was resolved within the first hour of instruction.

Eftychiou also noted that the outage did not affect hard-wired internet connections on campus, so the fix for teachers in their classrooms was plugging into the internet router until the wireless connections were repaired.

“The temporary wireless issue was districtwide, but it was still possible to connect via hard-wired desktop computers from classrooms,” said Eftychiou.

Teachers fought for the ability to work from home during coronavirus closures, but many of them are still working from campuses. About 60% of the LBUSD’s more than 3,000 teachers filled out paperwork to work at least part of the time from their homes while students are learning virtually, which will be the case until at least Oct. 5.